And the field opp also reveals some awesome info! In case your looking for it, it's in the Wilderness Maze Part 1 (one), where you first enter and in to the corner of the bottom right hand cornerish. So anyway, when you finish it, G shows you something that looks like this:
It says "I can't finish the UP10K (Ultimante Prtobot 10000) without the final circuts, and the Elite Penguin Fools have them! Looks like it's up to ME. Never send a robot to do a GENUS'S job". Now concidering the fact that the only one who calls the EPF "fools" and thinks he a GENUS is... well, Herbert P. Bear. It seems he was the one to rebuild the robot and not the accused brown puffles. This may be hinting at a new System Defender Game or level, so look out at that. Let's see what happens next.
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