Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hurry Up!

The wilderness expedidtion is ending soon. You only have until the 31st. But I think the party will last longer becuase they all did. So anyway did you:
Get a free hat?
Find 5 notes?
Travel the maze?
Earn the maze badge?
EPF ONLY: Finish the maze's field opp?
Play with the machine on the cliff?
Finish the machine without any help?
Buy a life jacket?
Build the boat?
Build the boat in under ten (10) seconds?
Travel across the bay?
Earn your sailing badge?
Find an island with a cave in it?
Go inside the cave?
Discover a Brown Puffle?
Explore the Brown Puffle Cave?
Adopt one?
Get some Brown Puffle Houses? (You can get enless amounts so far)
Take the boat to the cove?
Have a fun time?

Make sure you try and do everything on this list for MAXIMUM experience. Be aware that it is very unlikely that these rooms will stay, so enjoy them while you can. You can even host a snowball fight in the forest!

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