Monday, January 24, 2011

New Brown Puffle House and Field Opp

Hello Penguins and People! Today Club Penguin has made an update in the brown puffle cave and has released the new field opp.If you are a member, you can return to the Brown Puffle Cave by taking the boat at the cove. Inside you can now get a free Brown Puffle House! Check it out:

And the field opp also reveals some awesome info! In case your looking for it, it's in the Wilderness Maze Part 1 (one), where you first enter and in to the corner of the bottom right hand cornerish. So anyway, when you finish it, G shows you something that looks like this:

It says "I can't finish the UP10K (Ultimante Prtobot 10000) without the final circuts, and the Elite Penguin Fools have them! Looks like it's up to ME. Never send a robot to do a GENUS'S job". Now concidering the fact that the only one who calls the EPF "fools" and thinks he a GENUS is... well, Herbert P. Bear. It seems he was the one to rebuild the robot and not the accused brown puffles. This may be hinting at a new System Defender Game or level, so look out at that. Let's see what happens next.

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