Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Get Ready EPF!

All EPF agents listen up! The Whats New blog has confrimed that something new for EPF agents will be coming soon. They ask that you send a EPF recruit postcard to anyone who you think can be a good agent. Get ready becuase this is what we are up against: 

It's some kind of robot that everyone thinks is the work of Herbert P. Bear. But I really expected something much bigger in the closeup of that thing. Maybe there are several of them, don't know. Well anyway If your not a agent yet... you should probably sign up to be one!

Heres How:
1.) Have an account
2.)Go to the book room above the coffee shop and go to the book shelf
3.)Open the yearbook 2009-2010
4.)Go to the page with June 2010
5.)Click on the letters "E", "P" and "F" in the middle picture, they should turn red
6.)Click the agents spy phone, a special message should pop up, accept it
7.)Click the phone and start the test
8.)If you get a good score on the test you will become an agent!

How to do the test:
1.)Hit the target with a snowball
2.)Wadlle over to the green square
3.)When your told, run to the red square in under seven (7) seconds
4.)Walk away from the red square
5.)Hide behind one of the front coulums and throw a snowball at camera 2's eye before the timer ends
6.)Do not move to the blue square, when it says cage trap is ready, throw a snowball on it
7.)You will noe get a perfect score if you did that right!

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