Monday, January 31, 2011

New EPF System Defender Levels

Hello All Penguins! This one is for the EPF! Club Penguin has now released a brand new level for Club Penguin in the EPF Game system defender click here for more details on how to play this game. This time it is Herbert and Klutzy who are attacking, but still mostly Herbert. He seems to be claming it was HIM who built the robot again. Not the Brown Puffles. This level features more fast-action and very low amount of sockets, or spots to put your gear. But the game isn't very challenging.

The level starts off right away, so get ready to place the cannons. Start with getting red and placing them in the corners, orange is very important too after that, but purple cannons... three cannons could probably last you. But still try to upgrade. Also, Herbert introduces a new thing, that he calls the "Centipied of Doom" or something. It is really a long line of giant orange boss bots all together. But when you deafeat it or this, you win the level. In general it lasts for about thirteen (13) minutes. Did you know you can also win two new stamps for this game? Or level?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hurry Up!

The wilderness expedidtion is ending soon. You only have until the 31st. But I think the party will last longer becuase they all did. So anyway did you:
Get a free hat?
Find 5 notes?
Travel the maze?
Earn the maze badge?
EPF ONLY: Finish the maze's field opp?
Play with the machine on the cliff?
Finish the machine without any help?
Buy a life jacket?
Build the boat?
Build the boat in under ten (10) seconds?
Travel across the bay?
Earn your sailing badge?
Find an island with a cave in it?
Go inside the cave?
Discover a Brown Puffle?
Explore the Brown Puffle Cave?
Adopt one?
Get some Brown Puffle Houses? (You can get enless amounts so far)
Take the boat to the cove?
Have a fun time?

Make sure you try and do everything on this list for MAXIMUM experience. Be aware that it is very unlikely that these rooms will stay, so enjoy them while you can. You can even host a snowball fight in the forest!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Brown Puffle Glitch

Yet again, another glitch on Club Penguin. When you click on your brown puffle, you get a orange one. Club Penguin is really starting to bug me with all these glitches. Oh well.

New Brown Puffle House and Field Opp

Hello Penguins and People! Today Club Penguin has made an update in the brown puffle cave and has released the new field opp.If you are a member, you can return to the Brown Puffle Cave by taking the boat at the cove. Inside you can now get a free Brown Puffle House! Check it out:

And the field opp also reveals some awesome info! In case your looking for it, it's in the Wilderness Maze Part 1 (one), where you first enter and in to the corner of the bottom right hand cornerish. So anyway, when you finish it, G shows you something that looks like this:

It says "I can't finish the UP10K (Ultimante Prtobot 10000) without the final circuts, and the Elite Penguin Fools have them! Looks like it's up to ME. Never send a robot to do a GENUS'S job". Now concidering the fact that the only one who calls the EPF "fools" and thinks he a GENUS is... well, Herbert P. Bear. It seems he was the one to rebuild the robot and not the accused brown puffles. This may be hinting at a new System Defender Game or level, so look out at that. Let's see what happens next.

Wilderness Expidition Has Started!

Thats right... the wilderness expidition has started and it brought several challenges with it! The expiditon begins at the dock, where there is a sign pointing to a new room. This expidition features several new rooms. You start at the entrance, then make yourself throught the wilderness, which is a series of dark forest rooms. It's basicly a maze. If you complete the maze, you win a new badge. Next you have to solve a strange machine to go down to the shore. You must build a boat, and you must be a member to continue, becuase buying a life jacket for 50 coins is needed to. You then sail away from club penguin and onto a island with a cave. And inside the cave...... is the new..... Brown..... puffle! Thats right, you can adopt one for free. The brown puffle is slighly diffrent on it's player card. It's general traits are... well smarts!

Intrested in exploring the rooms is complete details? Click HERE to view our gallery.

Complete Guides, Reviews, and pictures all here! Scroll down below to older posts!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I cannot belive I missed that! Could it be?

So today I was just going up and about random websites on club penguin. Then thanks to one website, I noticed something. Something popped into my head. So what was it? I just relazed something. You know how when you play system defender and the agents are all like "but who rebuilt the ultiamte protobot". Up to now I think it was Herbert. But was it really?  It just so happens that conventitly after the protobot's return a new species of puffles have appeared. A SMART species of puffle. A puffle that can BUILD. Isn't it a little wierd. Could the brown puffles been the ones to re-build the ultiment protobot? Could they be evil. Maybe they just decided to build it for the puffle fun of it?
Then again, think about it, items from Club Penguin were stolen again in order to rebuild the robot in the past field opps. Do you think the brown puffles stole it. This is a really odd mystery and I don't think Club Penguin makes such complicated puzzles for us to figure out. But it may be true. Get ready for... Anything.
Thank you or Thanks to this post for helping me figure this out:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brown Puffles

The wilderness expedition revealed a new kind of puffle, a Brown Puffle! These little guys are a little different than the others.

This is my new Brown Puffle Miff, he is now supposed to be in by iggy with my other puffles, puff, hop and snuff. As you can see, you looks a little diffrent. His hair is not so pointy as it is rounded, and he has a different smile. The Brown puffles like science. They are like gary, sort-of. They can make amazing, yet crazy and cool gadgets. So if your a member, you should think about adopting one!

As do all puffles, the Brown Puffle has his own actions, take one home and play with it, and care for it to see what will happen or what happens!

Also when you do adopt one, You get this new postcard in your mail:

Cool Huh?

COMPLETE Guide Of The ENTIRE Wilderness Expedition

This time, the adventure starts at the Dock. Begin by going in there. A new sign will show you to a new room.

The new room you start in, is called glade. Here you can pick up a free item, an expoleres hat!

From here on, you will enter the forest of tall trees, it is a maze. You basicly need to follow the trail of spare parts, but as you progress, they are harder and harder to find.If you mess up, you will be sent back to the start. Here are the correct directions.

If you do the maze correctly, you will end up on the cliff. You will also be awarded a new badge. 

At the cliff, there is some strange machine. You need to get it working in order to use the barrel to go down to the shore. Below are the complete instructions on how to do just that.

1. Plug in the blue cord or wire
2. Press the nearest red button
3.Click the glass thing above the coffee maker
4.Click the Coffee Maker's little tube
5.Click on the cup with coffee

6. Press the green button.
7. Pull down the levers and push the buttons on the board from left to right a down from up
8.Pull down the blue lever.
9.Press the piano keys as they light up, if the thing on top overheats, just throw snowballs at it
10. Try again with the key board, try to do it faster
11.Then press the little green button under the phone

12. Next press down all the green keys, then pull down the levers from left to right
13.Click it, to turn the wheel
14. And then click the rope with the red thing to pull it down
15. Click the hot sauce bottle
16.Click the water tank
17.Click the shades to let the steam out

18. Click the toaster oven's purple release hatch
19. Then throw snowballs at the target until the barrel pulls up
20. Finally, simply move in, and go inside the barrel to go safely down

 When you get to the shore, thats basically as far as non members can go. Start by putting together your boat or ship, Look at the following instructions. Remember, some things don't need to be in an exact order, but some do need to be in a special order.
1. Start by placing the sides of the boat
2.Then put the big piece, and little piece of the machine in the front of the boat
3.Next add the steering wheel in the middle of the boat
4.Then the sail's base in between them, and then the sail pole up on top of the base. Then put the sail on the sail pole
5. Finally, add the two wheel on either sides of the boat or ship

Now, you will need to purchase a life jacket from the stand at the shore. The cost is only 50 coins, but non-members cannot buy it, sorry.

Once you have bought the life jacket, you need to have it on, then the boats back door will open and you can go inside a sail off to uncharted lands or island!
There is also a strange glitch here, look at the penguins as you move or sail away. When you do sail away, you will ear your second badge thats for members only.

You have now arrived at a strange little island or land. Go inside the cave to explore, what will you find in there? Is it just me, or do those pipes look like the coins for change ones a little bit?

Inside the cave is a new creature. A BROWN PUFFLE! The rumors were true! The brown puffles are a little different. Check our post about them for more! Inside the cave, you can see the crazy, but awesome creations they made. You can adopt you own one for free when you click on the piece of paper in the upper, left corner. For right now, you can only adopt up to one brown puffle.

Congratulations, you have now completed the wilderness expedition, and it only cost you 50 coins.....probably. You can take the boat in the corner out, and you will appear a the cove, you can now travel right to the cave from there! Happy Exploring!

                                                                                                         -Club Penguin Events Blog

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coin Glitch

I just discovred something. I don't know if this is really a glitch or not, but it can make you coins fast.
When you play survival mode on the Surfing game, you automaticly get 200 points, and then 400 coins in like less than 10 seconds. You end the game with like 40 something coins. It's kinda odd.

Brown Puffle?

It is now rumored that there may be a brown puffle appearing at the wilderness expidition. Can this possibly be true? Here is a image below that is EDITED of what a brown puffle could look like.